228 Park Ave S. #94676, New York, NY 10003-1502

Category: General

The Lowdown on 401(k) Plan Catch-Up Contributions

How big is your retirement nest egg? Too often, people sacrifice retirement savings to afford a bigger home, cover emergency expenses or pay for their children’s education. But time flies, leaving many retirees “financially fragile.”…

Help Wanted: Hiring Family Members for Tax-Saving Results

If you own a small business and have children in high school, technical school or college, you might consider asking them to work for you part-time or full-time over the summer. Or you might want…

Partnerships – Tax Considerations When Adding a New Partner

Are you considering inviting an employee or an outsider to participate in your existing partnership? Before making any commitments, it’s important for you and the prospective partner to understand the potential federal tax implications. Important:…

IRS suspends processing of ERTC claims

In the face of a flood of illegitimate claims for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), the IRS has imposed an immediate moratorium through at least the end of 2023 on processing new claims for…

IRS issues guidance on new retirement catch-up contribution rules

In December 2022, President Biden signed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act. Among other things, the sweeping new law made some significant changes to so-called catch-up contributions, with implications for both employers…

Take action now to reduce your 2023 income tax bill

A number of factors are making 2023 a confounding tax planning year for many people. They include turbulent markets, stabilizing but still high-interest rates, and significant changes to the rules regarding retirement planning. While much…

5 Ways Financial Advisors Can Help Start-Ups Succeed

Every business starts with a “seed” idea that germinates into a fledging business under the right conditions. The decisions that owners make when launching a start-up will impact its financial well-being for years to come. Here…
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2020 Tax Calendar Important Dates To Know

Reference this tax calendar to learn 2020 deadlines of various tax-related forms and payments.
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It’s Time to File Your 2019 1099-Misc Forms

If you made payments to non-employees during the calendar year, you may be required to issue Form 1099 informational filings. The Internal Revenue Service requires that taxpayers engaged in a trade or business issue a…

What Do The 2019 Cost-Of-Living Adjustments Mean For You?

The IRS has announced its 2019 cost-of-living adjustments to tax items that might affect you. Many of the amounts increased to account for inflation, but some remained at 2018 levels. As you implement 2018 year-end…